键盘侠|这波普尔在大气层☁️ 库里开始理解追梦那一拳了
[Post Game Thread] The Golden State Warriors (24-24) defeat the Memphis Grizzlies (31-17), 122-120. 【赛后贴】勇士(24胜24负)以122比120战胜灰熊(31胜17负)。 双方数据 灰熊(31-17):莫兰特29分4篮板13助攻2抢断、贝恩20分3篮板4助攻、克拉克19分8篮板2助攻、贾伦-杰克逊17分6篮板、布鲁克斯10分4篮板3助攻、阿尔达玛13分3篮板、琼斯7分5助攻。 勇士(24-24):库里34分2篮板3助攻2抢断、普尔21分5篮板7助攻、克莱24分3篮板3助攻、库明加13分2篮板4助攻、德雷蒙德-格林8分13篮板7助攻3盖帽、迪文岑佐8分4篮板2助攻、卢尼4分8篮板3助攻、兰姆5分5篮板3助攻、杰迈克尔-格林5分2篮板。 [–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 527 points an hour ago Inject this rivalry in my veins lol These two always bring out the best games from each other, you can see the intensity and crowd atmosphere is next level. 马刺球迷:我要看82场勇熊大战。 他们总能激发出对方最强的一面,你能看出来比赛的强度和球迷的氛围达到了另一种高度。 [–]WarriorsI_love_Basketball232 173 points an hour ago Almost felt like a playoff game 勇士球迷:感觉在看一场季后赛。 [–]Warriorsduggatron 90 points an hour ago Always does with them, both sides really want to win 勇士球迷:一直是这样,双方都非常想赢。 [–][UTA] Joe InglesNitroXYZ 309 points an hour ago Poole is the most relieved man on earth right now 爵士球迷:普尔心里的石头终于能放下了。 [–]WarriorsCampingTrees 124 points an hour ago Did you see the end of the game? Curry was waiting in the hallway to beat Poole's ass if they lost 勇士球迷:你看比赛结束后了吗?库里在球员通道等着普尔,如果输了,他一定会给普尔两拳。 [–]SunsdizZzy5 515 points an hour ago Jordan Poole taketh, Jordan Poole giveth 太阳球迷:成也普尔,败也普尔。 [–]Nuggetscs-fi 262 points an hour ago Poole got Steph ejected so he could be the hero. Big brain 掘金球迷:普尔把库里搞驱逐了,这样他就能当英雄了,这波他在大气层。 [–]WarriorsStellewind 119 points an hour ago Poole is just .500 basketball incarnated. 勇士球迷:普尔只是五成胜率之神的化身。 [–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 64 points an hour ago Ziaire screwed up badly too. That’s the last thing you do in that situation. 勇士球迷:扎伊尔实在是太拉了,那样的防守回合最不该放对手上篮。 [–]Grizzliesshellfish87 81 points an hour ago* I never want to see Zaire williams again Mother fucker was a -19 and fucked up the last play. Fuck him because this team played really composed and hard tonight. That’s how we got to play to contend with Golden State. 灰熊球迷:我再也不想看到扎伊尔了。 这货-19的正负值,搞砸了最后一防。 去他丫的,灰熊今晚打得既沉着又努力,这就是与勇士竞争的正确方式。 [–]Puerto RicoJoseZ1[S] 63 points an hour ago Poole redeemed himself right there LMAO 波多黎各球迷:普尔用最后一球完成了救赎。 相关新闻>>>离谱!普尔超远三分打铁 空位的库里气得摔牙套!被直接驱逐! [–]WarriorsBUUAHAHAHA 374 points an hour ago Insane that all 3x he got ejected was bc he threw his mouth guard. 勇士球迷:库里生涯三次被驱逐居然都是因为扔牙套,不可思议。 [–]LakersPalifaith 102 points an hour ago He was probably starting to understand Draymond a bit after that Poole three. 湖人球迷:在普尔的这个三分后,库里或许开始理解为何追梦训练营那一拳了。 [–]AustraliaFreshwaterBeach 9 points an hour ago Lucky Poole made the game winner, otherwise we'd be seeing another Poole getting decked video. 澳大利亚球迷:还好普尔把绝杀上进了,否则我们将要看到一个新的普尔被揍视频了。 “如果你把库里驱逐,他要让追梦再揍我一遍了。”——普尔(可能这样说的吧) 相关新闻>>>他太懂流量了! |
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