(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [Post Game Thread] The Memphis Grizzlies (39-26) defeat the Golden State Warriors (34-33), 131-110.Post Game Thread 【赛后贴】灰熊(39胜26负)131-110轻取勇士(34胜33负)。 双方数据 勇士(34-33):库里29分7篮板4助攻、普尔22分4助攻3篮板、追梦16分7助攻5篮板3抢断、克莱14分4篮板、杰罗姆11分3助攻2篮板、J-格林9分、鲍德温5分、迪文岑佐2分2篮板、卢尼2分7篮板。 灰熊(39-26):琼斯22分11助攻4篮板3抢断、小贾伦21分9篮板3助攻、贝恩21分6助攻、阿尔达马15分7篮板、狄龙14分6助攻4篮板、蒂尔曼10分8篮板2助攻、康查尔8分3助攻2篮板、肯纳德6分2助攻、罗迪6分3篮板、扎威5分、小洛夫顿3分。 [–]Lakersheshouldgo 604 points an hour ago Something ain’t right with the warriors 湖人球迷:勇士看着不大对劲。 [–]MagicUbeMafia 274 points an hour ago They can't defend if their life depended on it. I don't even know why Poole starts, they don't need that extra offense on the starting line up, they need someone who can defend. 魔术球迷:他们无法依靠防守取胜了。我不理解为什么普尔首发,他们不需要那点额外的进攻,他们需要一个能防守的家伙。 [–]Justtalking1999 183 points 55 minutes ago Klay at PF and Draymond at C, they’re not going for small ball they want micro ball. 球迷:克莱打大前,追梦打中锋,这已经不是小个阵容了,这是“蚁人”阵容。 [–]Basic_Commercial_806 55 points 52 minutes ago Darvin Ham approves of this message. 球迷:头孢哈姆表示赞同。 [–]ThunderObjectitan 365 points an hour ago Reminder that you live in a world where the Kings are the best team in California 雷霆球迷:提醒下穿越过来的球迷,现在加州最好的球队是国王队。 [–]LakerssirtalonAOEII 334 points an hour ago Jordan “Took A Shit In The” Poole 湖人球迷:普尔在场上拉了依托答辩。 [–]Grizzlieszmegadeth 53 points 54 minutes ago I wasn't able to catch this one but just how bad was he? -33 is a fucking disaster 灰熊球迷:我没来得及看这场比赛,普尔到底打得有多差?-33的正负值简直灾难。 [–]Tampa Bay RaptorsRaptors2017champs 32 points 50 minutes ago I'll put it like this, he's going back to the hotel alone tn. 猛龙球迷:这么跟你说吧,他要一个人走回酒店。 [–]AustraliaPrimeShaq 16 points 40 minutes ago Basically sums up the Warriors season, Curry has been playing incredible but the rest of the team has been highly inconsistent. I’m not knocking his supporting cast, they have high highs but damn their lows have really been rock bottom. 澳大利亚球迷:这场基本就是本赛季勇士的缩影。库里一直打得很棒,但其余人无法提供稳定的表现。我不是抱怨他们的替补阵容,他们也有一些高光表现,但他们低迷起来就是最辣鸡的球队。 [–]Warriorsalfentazolam 32 points an hour ago MJ himself couldn't drag the road Warriors to a win 勇士球迷:乔丹来了也无法拯救客场勇士。 |
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