(点击上方键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets (52-26) defeat the Golden State Warriors (41-38), 112-110 to complete the season sweep and clinch a top two seed! 【赛后贴】掘金(52胜-26负)以112-110击败勇士(41胜-38负)完成横扫,并锁定前二种子席位。 [–][PHO] Steve Nashslysonic7 [score hidden] 28 minutes ago* Horrendous loss by the Warriors. Curry and Klay combined for 46 points on 56 shots, can’t remember the last time the duo was that inefficient in a game Edit: for the people bringing up the TWolves games from last week, they combined for 35 points on 40 shots, or 0.875 points per shot. Today they were 0.821 points per shot, so even less efficient on 16 more shots 太阳球迷:勇士这波输得活该。水花兄弟两人出手56次得到46分,完全不记得上次效率如此低下是什么时候了。 补充:对于那些提到上周打森林狼的比赛,两人40次出手35分,计算一下就是每次出手得到0.875分,今天每次出手只有0.821分,效率更低的同时还多出手16次。 [–]NBAAccomplished-Copy332 10 points an hour ago The Splash bros really looked like the brick bros tonight. 球迷:水花兄弟今天应该叫铁花兄弟。 [–]HeatMySilverBurrito [score hidden] 27 minutes ago* Michael "neva gonna swing the rock" Porter Jr. 29 points. 0 assist. I fucking love it lmao. 热火球迷:小迈克尔-眼里只有篮筐-波特。 29分0助攻,给老子翻译翻译,什么是纯得分手。 [–]WarriorsLaughingPlanet [score hidden] 31 minutes ago MPJ looked like a 1st ballot HOFer tonight 勇士球迷:小波特今天看着就像首轮投票的名人堂候选人。 [–]eathbau [score hidden] 35 minutes ago That defense from Denver rookies Watson and Braun 球迷:掘金新秀沃特森和布劳恩的防守令人窒息。 [–]simon2105 671 points an hour ago Road Warriors strike again lmao 球迷:客场勇的拉胯本色体现得淋漓尽致。 [–]Celticselcapitandemundo 194 points an hour ago I knew the road Warriors were ass but this one really drove it home. how the fuck do you lose to the Nuggets without Jokic 绿军球迷:我知道客场勇士辣鸡,但这场也太离谱了。他们是怎么做到输给没有约老师的掘金的? [–]Nuggetsimissjerryg 102 points an hour ago We had two rookies playing heavvvvyyy minutes too. 掘金球迷:我们还让两名新秀打了挺长时间的呢。 打客场的水花兄弟 [–]Charlotte BobcatsNotManyBuses 112 points an hour ago Are they tanking to avoid the suns in the first round? Serious question. 黄蜂球迷:我认真的,他们是不是故意摆烂,这样首轮就可以避开太阳? [–]LakersSriracho 164 points an hour ago They are too dangerously close to the play-in to tank. 5-8 are all now tied in the loss column. 湖人球迷:他们离附加赛区太近了,不可能为此而摆烂的。现在5-8名负场数都很接近。 [–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 83 points an hour ago No, we just are awful on the road 勇士球迷:并不是想避开太阳,我们只是客场辣鸡。 [–]Lakerslovo17 410 points an hour ago At this rate, we're going to get Lakers vs Suns in the first round aren't we 湖人球迷:按照这个趋势下去,首轮我们就要看到湖人打太阳啦,我说的在理吗?老铁们? [–]NuggetsGuardax[S] 305 points an hour ago See people hate on the regular season but true NBA sickos love this seeding race drama 掘金球迷:看到很多球迷都讨厌常规赛,但真正的狂热粉最爱看《狂飙之附加赛排名》。 [–]Lakerslovo17 139 points an hour ago Tbf, seeding races like this never usually happen. 湖人球迷:讲道理,附加赛席位之争从未如此激烈。 [–]RaptorsMaximumestBob 111 points an hour ago the play-in is a great addition 猛龙球迷:提出附加赛的真他娘是个人才。 [–]Warriors20815147 53 points an hour ago Steph saw that they were going against KD in the first round so he proceeded to miss 12 3 pointers 勇士球迷:库里之前发现季后赛首轮要对上KD,于是三分线外怒打12铁。 [–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 18 points an hour ago Y'all would much rather duck the play-in tournament entirely even if it means a Suns 1st Round let's be honest. 勇士球迷:即使首轮要面对太阳,但实话实说,大家都在尽全力避开附加赛。 [–]Lakerslovo17 35 points an hour ago Considering how this season started, the fact that the Lakers can now afford to think about seeding and potential opponents is wild tbh 湖人球迷:考虑湖人赛季那样的开局,现在却能够有资格去考虑排名挑选潜在对手,想都不敢想! [–]NuggetsGreg_Pim 147 points an hour ago* Losing to the joker-less Nuggets is like losing to the Mavs. Embarrassing lol 掘金球迷:输掉没有约基奇的掘金就和输掉独行侠一样丢人。 [–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 77 points an hour ago This isn’t even our top 5 most embarrassing road loss of this season tbh. 勇士球迷:这场失利甚至排不进本赛季最丢人客场失利前五。 来源:Reddit 编译:Fontaine |
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